? Even in adults, and in contrast to the condition found in most apes and monkeys, the temporal lines are often closest together in the region of the bregma.

Learn more. A male has a V-shaped opening, a female's is U-shaped. The powerful chewing action of ape jaws sets up stresses in the skull and in the lower jaw. DENTAL ARCADE (TOOTH ROW)The tooth row (dental arcade) is parabolic (bow-shaped) in humans but is “U”-shaped in apesDIASTEMAIn apes, the lower canine fits into a gap or diastema between the upper canine and the first premolar. It is present in all males, and may be as much as 5 cm.

In the adult white‐nosed monkey, the nuchal crest occupies at most only the middle third of the arc between the mastoid and the inion. t àÖ0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ö 6ö Ö ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿ4Ö 4Ö ‡ � � $If x kdL $$If –l Ö Ö0 ”ÿà," L L t àö 65Ö LJ $$If – !v h5Ö L5ÖL#v L:V –l Additionally, male flowerhorns often feature bolder colors than females. While both genders can have nuchal humps -- large fat-and-water-filled growths located above their heads -- males usually have larger nuchal humps than females do. â Nevertheless, the colors of your flowerhorn fish may be influenced by myriad factors, including health, social factors or stress level -- so do not use color as the sole criterion for determining gender.

The nuchal crest is the ridge at the back of the skull, just above the neck. l 4Ö aö ( k ôÿÁ ( N o L i s t j š@³ ó j ” N It may develop near the bregma, near the inion, or at both points simultaneously. However, as these sexing criteria are not always accurate, some aquarists prefer to purchase proved breeders whose gender is known with certainty. l aö Ò Ó Ü [ ‡ � � $If x kd $$If –l Ö Ö0 ”ÿà," L L ¥ ‡ � � $If x kdä $$If –l Ö Ö0 ”ÿà," L L

In the adult chimpanzee, the nuchal shelf is formed only in the middle part of the arc between the mastoid and inion, and even in males does not project more than 0–6 cm. Subsequently, however, as the middle fibres of the temporalis muscle grow more rapidly than the anterior ones, the point of least separation moves backwards to the region of the bregma. 4 . l aö $If 0 ý y z ‰ 0

In the adult chimpanzee, the nuchal shelf is formed only in the middle part of the arc between the mastoid and inion, and even in males does not project more than 0–6 cm.

T SAGITTAL CRESTRidge at the top of the skull to which the jaw muscles are attached. The foramen magnum is more central in humans than it is in apes. / 0 óïæÚÖÍÁïÍÁï¸ó´ï¸ó´°ï°¬°¬°ï£—°“°ïŠ¬£¬°¬…°¬°Š¬ï° h^í 5�h^í 5�CJ, aJ, hË~ã hBm› h” N 5�CJ, aJ, hBm› 5�CJ, aJ, h^í hBm› hÁ-Í hÁ-Í 5�CJ0 aJ0 h” N h” N 5�CJ0 aJ0 h” N 5�CJ0 aJ0 håV™ hÁ-Í håV™ 5�CJ0 aJ0 håV™ 5�CJ0 aJ0 h” N hÁ-Í h” N 5�CJ0 aJ0 .

l aö 2 1�h:p/a °Ð/ °à=!°"°#�ã $�ã %° °Å°Å�Ä J $$If – !v h5Ö L5ÖL#v L:V –l ð S ð ¿ Ë ÿ ? Ç

A single flowerhorn may display red, blue, green, yellow and black colors, or may be largely limited to gray, black and white. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. õ ð ðB Unlimited viewing of the article/chapter PDF and any associated supplements and figures. ( ( ( d Œ ( ( ( Œ ( ( ( ÿÿÿÿ NUCHAL CRESTThe part of the skull where the neck muscles attach. Quite often a new hobbyist will believe that out of his group of frontosa, the largest is a male and the rest are females. ? By watching closely, you will see females eject eggs into the water, and males releasing sperm.

Ó Ó Ó — T As a lifelong environmental educator and ISA-certified arborist with more than 17 years of animal care experience, Ben Team writes about pets, environmental issues and outdoor recreation.

Ê Ë Þ y ù ù � ù ù x kd $$If –l Ö Ö0 ”ÿà," L L Usually, breeders use a permeable plastic partition to separate the fish and allows the males' sperm to reach the eggs and fertilize them.

A human female's pelvis is wider; a male's pelvis is narrower. Both of these crests are responsible as places for muscles to attach to and a larger crest would mean the muscles were larger there. ð ÿÿ ÿŒ ì¾ c 2 i 2 9 *€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€place € |�½ 2 2 Ë z Ž ç # ' \ Ó Ü Z Z \ . The crests are most powerfully developed in the gorilla, especially in males, where a nuchal crest may eventually become a uniform shelf of bone as much as 4 cm. ð8 ð @ ñ ÿÿ ÿ €€€ ÷ ð’ ð ð0 ð( ð These are resisted by “brow-ridges” above the eye sockets, and also by a “simian shelf”, which strengthens the inside of the lower jaw. If that male is removed from the group, a subdominant male will have a growth spurt and take his place. Apes with a coarser plant diet had bigger jaw muscles.

t àö 65Ö LJ $$If – !v h5Ö L5ÖL#v L:V –l A sagittal crest begins to form in the region immediately anterior to the inion. In some males and in all females it extends for only a short distance behind the mastoid. As long as no human error or deliberate misrepresentation occurs, purchasing proven breeders is the most reliable way to know the genders of your flowerhorn fish. A sagittal crest is present in about one adult male monkey in ten, but never in adult females. t àÖ0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ö 6ö Ö ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿ4Ö 4Ö Thus: In all primate species the posterior fibres of the temporalis muscles grow more rapidly than the middle and anterior groups, and consequently first approximate to the upper advancing edge of the nuchal muscles at a point between the mastoid and inion.

The evidence for the three available specimens of Paranthropus crassidens, in which a sagittal crest is present, suggests that the cranial crests of the Australopithecinae developed according to the general pattern which prevails in living monkeys and apes. h

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