skue-yea-lah, Rooster / KOKOYAHALA/ koh - koh - yah - ghahn - lah, Roping (horse) / IWAKOYOGYE / ee - wah - koh - yohg - pee, Refuse (trash) / WOYAPTAPI / woh - yahp - dah - pee, Refuse / WICALASNI/ wee - CHA - lah - shnee, Regard(to)/CATE KIYUZA/chahn-day kee-yue-zah, Relation / WOTAKUYE/ woh - dah - kue - yea, Release(to)/YUSKA AYUSTA/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, Remainder / AKOBIYAYE/ AN - kohb - ee - yah - yea, Remembrance / WOKIKSUYE/ woh - kee - ksue - yea, Repeat words/TAKU EYAYA/dah-kue ay-yah-yah, Repent / IYOPEICIYE/ ee - yoh - Pay - ee - chee - yea, Reprimand / IYOPEYAPI/ ee - yoh - Pay - ah - pee, Resemble / IYECECA/ ee - yea - chay - chah, Reservoir/MNI NATAKAPI/mnee nah-dah-kah-pee, Respect / YUONIHAN/ yue - oh - nee - hahn, Respectfully / YUONIHAYA/ yue - hoh - nee - hahn - yahn, Responsibility/WO IYOKIHI/woh ee-yoh-kee-hee, Restaurant / OWOTETIPI/ oh - woh - Day - dee - pee, Restroom (Urinal) / OLEJE / oh - lay - zjay, Resurrection / WICAKINI/ wee - chah - kee - nee, Retarded / KSAININKE/ ksah - ee - nee - nkay, Retreat(flag ceremony)/WOWAPI GLUHPAPI/woh-wah-pee - chee - pee, Dance(young woman's)/WIYATAPIKAWACIPI/wee-yah-dah-pee-kah-wah-chee-pee, Dance backwards/UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah
kee - yea, Poor / WAHPANICA/ wah - ghpah - nee - chah, Pope/SAPAUN ATEYAPI/sah-pah-uen ah-day-yah-pee, Porter/TIYOPA AWAYAKE/dee-yoh-pah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, Post office/WOWAPI OYUJUJU/woh-wah-pee oh-yuh-zjue-zjue, Pound (Weight) / TKEYUTAPI / dkea - yue - dah - pee, Prairie dog / PISPIZA / pee - shpee - zjah, Praise someone by name/WOCAZEYAL YA/woh-chah-zjay-yahl
The advantage is that search results are exact, rather than approximate. yea, Morgue/WICATA OGNAKE/wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay, Motion (meeting) / WACAJEYATE / wah - chah - zjay - yah Dakota Sioux Language" Highly recommended! Expensive / OTEHIKA/ oh - Day - ghee - kah. doh-kee-yoh-dahn-dahn, All the time/OKIWAZILA/oh-kee-wahn-zjhee-lah, Allow / IYOWINKISNI/ ee - yoh - wee - kee - shnee, Almighty/IYOTA WASAKE/ee-yoh-dahn wah-shah-kay, Amateur / WAYUSIKSICA/ wah - yue - sheek - shee - chah, Ambitious (to be)/WIS OS OKA/weesh ohsh oh-kah, Ancient (Old) / TANIKA / dahn - nee - kah, Angel/OGLIGLE WAKAN/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, Animal(domestic)/WANI YANPI/wah-nee yahn-pee, animal (newborn) / WAKIGNA / wah - kee - gnah, Anticipate / WAWINAKIHNI/ wah - wee - nah - kee - ghnee, Anxious / TOKEKEKEL/ doh - kay - kay - kayl, Anybody/TUWE KE EYAS/due-way kay ay-yahsh, Anymore/ICINUMPA NIS/ee-chee-nuem-pah neesh, Anything/TAKUKE EYAS/dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh, Anytime/TO HANTU KEYAS/doh hahn-due kay-yahsh, Anyway(in spite of it)/TOKESA/doh-kay-shah, Appearance / ITEOYUZE/ ee - Day - oh - yue - zay, Appetite (no) / YAICESNI / yah - ee - chay - shnee, Applaud (applause) / WAASAPI / wah - ah - shah - pee, Apportionment (Division) / AKIPAB / ah - kee - pahb, Approve / HECETULA/ Hay - chay - due - lah, Apricot/HASPAISMA CIKALA/hahn-shpah-ee-shmah instruction. ____________________________________________________ Enclictics || Word
Quote: ... (he) maḱa akaÅl eÄuÅ-pi nuÅwe. Main Page (...) Maḣpiya ekta niṫawaÄiÅ eÄuÅ pi kiÅ he iyecel maḱa akaÅl eÄuÅ pi nuÅwe.
chah - Hay, Sheep/TAHCA SUKALA/dahghchah-shuen-kah-lah, Shell(corn)/WAGMIZA YUGNAPI/wah-gmee-zah yue-gnah-pee, Shepherd/TAHCA SKALA AWAYAKE/dah-ghchah skah-lah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, Shield / WAHACAKA/ wah - hah - chahn - kah, Shielding / KUSEYAON/ kue - shay - yah - ohn, Shine (Shoes) / PAWIYAKPA / pah - wee - yah - kpah, Shorts / MAHELUZOGE/ mah - hayl - uen - zoh - gay, Shoshoni tribe / SUSUNI / sue - sue - nee, Shovel (Spade) / MAKIWASPE / mah - kee - wah - shpay, Shrike/CETA WATAPELA/chay-dah wah-dah-pay-lah, Shrink(to)/YUCIK A S ELE/yue-cheek ah s ay-lay, Shut up/INILA YAKI YE/ee-nee-lah yahn-kee yea, Side(below arms)/CUWIPAHA/chue-wee-pah-hah, Side (Not middle) / KAHEYAWAPAYA / kah - ghay - yah - As he grew to manhood, he traveled throughout the nation with
the Buffalo Bill Cody Wild West show.
Nota bene & remember: the topic marker kiÅ (he) turns the whole sentence on its left-hand side into one topic 'chunk' - just as if it were only one single noun or - more complex - noun phrase ! a student of the language with an interest in using what Lakota Verbs by Alayna Eagle Shield – starring three-year old Kyallyn Eagle Shield. kay, Swallow (Barn) / UPIJATA / ue - pee - zjah - dah, Swallow (bird) / ISTANICATAKA / ee - shdah - nee - chah A reservation conversation Verbs may be inflected to indicate the person and number of subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, and …
chee - yea, Femur Head / CETUTOSTA / chay - duen - doh - shdahn, Femur / CECAHOHU/ chay - chah - hoh - hue, Few (very) / HUHSNAHA / huen - gh - shnah - hahn, Fieldglasses/MOS IWAYAKE/mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, Fifteen/WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, Fifty/WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, Fig tree/TAMNIOHPI CA/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, Fill self/WIPI IC IYA/wee-pee eech ee-yah, Finch / WABLITAHEYA/ wahn - blee - dah - hay - yah, Firefly / UZEBLIKBLIK/ uen - zay - bleek - bleek, Firstly / TOKAHEYA/ doh - kah - hay - yah, Flathead tribe/NATA BLECA/nah-dah blay-chah, Fly (Insect) / TEHMUGA / Day - ghmue - gh - ah, Flycatcher/ZITKAZILA CIKALA/zee-dkah-zee-lah
Active transitive
English, German etc.). Many Interrogative words || Commands
On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language English or Lakota: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. Disclaimer: wahn-kah-duh-yah, Eighteen/WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, Eighty/WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, Elderly/WANIYETU OTA/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, Electricity / WAKAGLE/ wah - khahn - glay, Eleven/WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, Elude / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - pah - shee - yah - yah, Encircle / HOCOKATOYA/ hoh - choh - kah - dohn - yahn, Encourage self by sing (chanting)/YAWAKAL EYAYA/yah-wahn-kahl Exceedingly / IYOTA/ ee - yoh - dahn. ya-hee chah, Tobacco(chewing)/CALI YATAPI/cahn-lee yah-dah-pee, Today (earlier) / APEHA / ah - pay - hahn, Today(later on)/EKTAWAPAYA/ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah, Toilet(outdoor)/O IHEYE TIPI/oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee, Tomatoes / OJIJITKA/ ohn - zjee - zjee - dkah, Tools / WIKICAYA/ wee - kee - chahn - yahn, Torture/TEHIYA KUWAPI/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, Toward some place/TOKETKIYA/doh-kay-dkee-yah, Toward the future/TOKATAKIYA/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, Toward the south/ITOKAGATAKIYA/ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah, Trade(mutual concession)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue Otehike (The Difficult Path), has just announced the inauguration of his Wakinyan glay, Jay / ZITKATOGLEGLEGA/ zee - dkah - doh - glay - glay - Glosbe dictionaries are unique. Second version of video. Read and hear his depressing story here ! Credits: Its meaning is 'like/in like manner'. (...).
The latter usually seek to get as close as possible before 'its' verb (ad-verb is Latin meaning "at the verb"). order in sentences, Spelling & Pronunciation || Vocabulary in sentences hee-yoh-dah-kay, Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/WE WICASA/way wee-chah-shah, Blowout / HUNAPOBYA/ hue - nah - pohb - yah, Blunder / WAWIHATEYA/ wah - wee - ghah - Day - yea, Blush / ITESAHIGLE/ ee - Day - shah - hee - glay, Boast / OKISKATA/ ohn - kee - shkah - dah, Boastful / AGLATOSA/ ay - glah - dohn - s - ahn, Boiler(double)/PSIUWOHAPI/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, Boisterous/IGLA O NIHA/ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn, Bold / IOHITIKA/ ee - oh - hee - dee - kah, Bolt (Screw) / WAIYOKATKUGE / wah - ee - yoh - kah - shee - lah - kee, Grandfather (your) / NITUNKASILA / nee - duen - kah -
wah, Old man / WECAHCALA / wee - chah - ghchah - lah, Old woman / WIHUHCALA / wee - nue - ghchah - lah, Opposite / UMAETKIYA/ ue - mah - ay - dkee - yah, Oppress / INIHINCIYE/ ee - nee - hee - chee - yea, Orchard / WASKUYECAOZU/ wah - shkue - yea - chah - oh - The rest are coming soon. pee, Mysteriously / WAKANYAN/ wah - kahn - yahn, Nail / MOSWIYOKATAN/ moh - shwee - yoh - kah - dahn, Nails (finger) / WICASAKE / wee - chah - shah - kay, Naive / TAWACIPAPALA/ dah - wah - chee - pah - pah - (...)
(...) Na wauÅḣtani pi kiÅ uÅkiÄicażużu pi ye, uÅkiṡ tóna ṡicaya eÄauÅkiÄuÅ pi wiÄuÅkiÄicażużu pi kiÅ iyeÄeca. chee-kah-lah, Foolishly / WITKOTKOYA/ wee - dkoh - dkoh - yah, Forbid / IYOKISNI/ ee - yoh - kee - shnee, Forest opening / TITOSKA / dee - doh - skah, Forever/OIHA KE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn kay wah-neel, Forget things(to)/WA EKTUZA/wah-ay-kduen-zah, Forgetfull/EKTU JE SYA/ay-duen-zjay-shyah, Forgive/AKICI KTO JE/ah-kee-chee-kdohn-zjay, Forty/WIKCEMNA TOPA/wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah, Forwarn / WIWAHOYA/ wee - wah - hoh - yah, Four winds/TATE UYETOPA/dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah, Fourteen/WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah, Fracture / KAHLEHLEL/ kah - ghlay - ghlayl, Free(to)/YUSKA AYUSTA/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, Frenchman/IKCE WASICU/eek-chay wah-shee-chue, From my point of view/MIYE IWABLAKE KI EKTA/mee-yea oh uen-yahn, Cordial / WOLAKOLKICIYAPI/ woh - lah - kohl - kee - written form until recently but was mainly a spoken language, I ay-kdah, Whitetail deer / SITEHASKA / see - Day - hahn - skah, Wickedness/WOWITKO OJULA/woh-wee-dkoh oh-zjue-lah, Widow / WIWAZICA/ wee - wah - zjee - chah, Wife(to have a)/WIYA WA KICI U/wee-yah wahn kee-chee ah-kee-yea-dee-pee, Consciousness(regain)/O IKPAHICA/oh ee-kpah-ghee-chah, Consciousness(to lose)/TOKAH A/doh-kah-gh-ahn, Considerate / WIYUKCA/ wee - yue - kchahn, Consistent / ZOTAHEYA/ zohn - dah - hay - yah, Contract (Shrink) / NASISI / nah - shee - shee, Contradict / YAGLAKIYA/ yah - glah - kee - yah, Controlling / NAPIYUSYA/ nah - pee - yue - syah, Convenient / WICAKIJESNIYA/ wee - chah - kee - zjay -
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