Global. DWR Irrigation Ditches

Data Links The user interface is a GIS platform and includes AML information layers which can be projected on road maps, satellite imagery, property ownership maps, watershed maps, and more.

Climate In particular, avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum), which is transmitted by the introduced Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito, has caused dramatic declines and extinctions in many native birds. Colorado Department of Local Affairs GIS Portal — A state repository for a wide range of statewide GIS data downloads. About the CGS; Staff; History of the Survey; Each link will take you to a robust description of the data and a visual preview that data on an area map. The public has access to the GeoLibrary as well. Boundary shapefiles for divisions, districts and groundwater management areas. )Source Water Route Framework Oil and Gas Field Polygons Shapefiles We are slowly building out our library of online GIS maps that offer refined views of Colorado geology along the associated derivatives. Structure Features - points of interest, measuring locations, recharge areas, well fields, etc. HydroBase Point Data

Stay in touch by subscribing to the >RockTalk< blog where we will announce new items periodically. Introduction Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Fossils Gemstones Resources. Website Ditches have been matched to their point of diversion and mapped to their researched extent. Please download the latest version of the NHD from the USGS. Yampa/White/North Platte Basin Can't find what you're looking for? 184 UCB ON-001 — Colorado Earthquake and Fault Map — shows a variety of information including Cenozoic faults. The Bare Earth — This narrative features over 50 intriguing LiDAR images that help illustrate how geologists in Washington are using this fascinating technology to study the landscape. Colorado Hazard Mapping & Risk MAP Portal — A service of the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), features a extensive range of GIS and other online assets related to the CWCB mission to protect statewide water resources. Alternatively, someone studying politics or one of the social sciences might search for census boundaries to begin a demographic mapping project.

The Colorado GeoLibrary, the Libraries’ new site for accessing and discovering geospatial data the state, is a data set goldmine, fit for your GIS … Privacy • Legal & Trademarks • Campus Map. CGS publications feature a wide range of geoscience reports, maps, and digital GIS data from all corners of Colorado Much of the CGS website is under heavy re-construction and will be for some time. ON-OF-78-08M — Select geological logs associated with coal resources, Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado — Scanned geophysical and lithology logs of more than 500 wells drilled in the 1960s during coal exploration of the two basins. Since the first CGS Bulletin A Preliminary Report on the Geology of the Monarch Mining District, Chafee County in 1910, the Survey has issued more than eight hundred professional reports, publications, maps, and datasets concerning the geology, groundwater hydrology, mining, energy production, and geologic hazards around the state of Colorado. Gunnison Basin Almost all of our current projects and publications have substantial GIS components. You might search for “geology” and find geologic or soil data layers. ON-008-04D — ON-008-04D U.S. Forest Service Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Project – Colorado (Data) – v20200820 — The most current downloadable data package for this historic project, comprised of GIS data collected in the 1990s; finalized as of 03 June 2011; with minor clerical updates completed as of 20 August 2020. We are housed with the USDA UV-B Monitoring and Research Program at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Data Downloads ShapeFiles

Colorado Geological Survey Street and Mailing Address: 1801 Moly Road Golden, Colorado 80401. telephone :: [+1] 303-384-2655. email :: [email protected] School Districts The GeoLibrary also ensures that data sets important to Colorado’s history and present have a sustainable future. 1801 Moly Road The Habitat Viewer can identify potential flycatcher habitat and monitor changes caused by stressors, such as beetles, fire or drought. The National Map USGS — Includes a complete range of elevation, hydrography, historical topographic datasets and much more for download.

Please fill out the form below to submit comments or questions about our buildings, services, website or any other topic.

For over two years, White spearheaded the project. This research contributes a comprehensive long-term context for a deeper understanding of past hydrologic variability, including the magnitude and frequency of drought and flood extremes and ecosystem... Habitat destruction, invasive plants, non-native predators and competitors, and introduced diseases have decimated the diverse, endemic native forest bird community of Hawai‘i. We know that these are of use to our various constituencies. Data Links Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) is not responsible and shall not be liable to the user for damages of any kind arising out of the use of data or information provided by the CGS, including the installation of the data or information, its use, or the results obtained from its use.

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