No clear winner. Probably more info than you need. The chair also weighs in at 2lbs, only 4 ounces heavier than the REI chair.
For both its size and hardiness, the REI Co-op Flexlite camp chair has become a co-op favorite. The REI Co-Op Flexlite Chair also comes in a rather well made case with a draw string on the top to tighten the case up.
The REI Co-Op Flexlite Chair also comes in a rather well made case with a draw string on the top to tighten the case up. Disassembly is just as easy, just pull the poles apart and fold them back together to how they were. We never felt like we were slipping out of it, and the sides are low enough to allow for free range of arm motion. The Helinox Chair one comes in a nice case and is made of polyester material and a breathable mesh. Last fall I had the law, Been trying to make progress on videos lately but, Well with all the new restrictions and lack of cam, Pretty excited to get the blah wheels off the car, The weather is warming up and we've got a new blog, It's getting to be crunch time.
If that doesn’t matter to you, just go with whichever is cheaper or wait to try them yourself.
REI Air Chair fabric skin can be placed on many standard generic chairs, Helinox Chair One, etc. REI: Folded size is about the same – length 14″, though REI Air Chair has a mesh bag. I placed REI Air skin on generic chair only, as I recall. That being said I have found the cheap ones off eBay like $20 are damn nice too but usually around 2 lbs. I'm sure others will have the exact opposite opinion of me, so try sitting in both if you can. I checked out new REI Flexlite Air Chair as an alternative to Helinox Chair Zero, which I have for a while and like.
Have never tried the REI one so have no comparison, sorry. Personally, the REI. This makes the chair a little less stable than the Helinox Chair. Sure, it's low to the ground, but I found it to be comfortable, didn't sink into soft soil, and packs really well. Particularly the Skyline UL.
Download the Backpacking Light Handbook to help you make intelligent decisions about gear, skills, ultralight philosophy, and reducing your pack weight. The fold-up withstands rocking, tilting, and puts one close to the ground for easy access to stove, pot, food bags, etc. It wants to immediately go together as the elastic pulls quite hard. The chairs allow you to lounge a bit more unlike a conventional camping chair. There is one design that is particularly nice about the REI chair though. Despite the chairs being close to the ground they are surprisingly comfortable. @K2 and @Oleg, can you try putting the REI skin on the Helinox frame (I understand it will fit) and comment on whether it reduces (or increases) the comfort? I have a trekology chair as well, and its a decent chair. The REI Co-Op Flexlite weighs in 4 ounces lighter than the Helinox chair at 1 lb 12 Ounces. Adequate chair. They are one of the most high tech companies in this field and they utilize high quality materials for the outdoor industry.
Assembling the chair was easy, unwrap the chair material from the frame and then assemble the frame together. Discussion in 'General (Main)' started by Coffee, Aug 10, 2013.,,, View:, Reno, NV-so close to hell you can see Sparks,, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). The Helinox is much better for my size (6’1″, 195lbs). That Helinox though. REI 1 lb. There was an attempt to make this type of chair with separating tubes, but it was not stable and wobbled all over the place. We have used them on multiple trips now, and I notice the Helinox digs into my back a little behind the shoulder. Did you feel there was any difference in fore and aft stability? / 364 G :), Overall, REI Flexlite Air Chair is a nice, comfortable for me (5’7″, 147 lb., male) and light chair for backpacking, if not leaning aside – be careful when seating. Air chair is 1.6 oz lighter than Helinox Zero, when both in bags.
Most reviews I've seen say that Helinox fibbed when they claimed a 16 oz chair while the Flexlite is right on the money.
A better quality base which allows for easier packing of the chair. Hopefully they are a lot better than our old ones as well. Wife prefers the flexlite air, I prefer the helinox. Helinox is near perfect.
This sub is about overnight backpacking with a focus on moving efficiently and packing light, generally aiming at a sub 10lb base weight. Just from the initial unboxing you can tell that the Helinox is a more quality product and design. It's comfy for me, but I'm a lass and smaller than most here at 5'7" and 110lbs; I've read of giant men using it happily though. However, polyester is more abrasion resistant and dries rapidly. There are a couple of pull tabs at the top of the chair cover that allow you to easily pull it off of it’s frame. – Pro. You might be the first person I've seen that claims the zero is lighter than the air. It feels like you’d be less likely to tip over backwards in it after a beer or three. You have to be careful not to lean too far back, because physics, and gravity, but it's just heaven to chill comfortably in the evening. We have both chairs too. See photos below, including cheap standard generic 1.8 lb. I tested both at REI and the way I sat on both, the comfort was much better on the Helinox Zero for me. コンパクト折り畳みチェアーといえばヘリノックスが有名ですが、何と言っても値段が高い。。。そこで今回は、アメリカのアウトドアショップ「REI」が独自製品として出している、ヘリノックスの半分の値段のREIのチェアー「REI Co-op Flexlite Camp Chair」を購入したので、スペック比較と使用レビューをご紹介。, 「REI(アール・イー・アイ)」とは、1938年にアメリカのワシントン州シアトルで、ロイドさんとマリーさんによって創設されたアウトドアショップです。元々、彼ら自身が登山をライフワークにしており、オーストリアからピッケルなどを自分達で輸入していたこともあり、アウトドアに熱中する仲間たちに、より質の良いクライミングギアを手頃な値段で手に入れることを助けるために、生協(CO-OP)という形で会社を立ち上げた。, 現在では、会員が1800万人、従業員が13,000人、アメリカの39州に162店舗を構えている。, 日本からでも、オンラインで会員になることができ、通常価格で買った金額の10%分が、翌年に割引金額として戻ってくる。, また、会費の$20分も次回購入する際に割引として使うことができるので、会員にならない手はない。, REIのチェアーとヘリノックスのチェアーでは、同サイズの物がないため、キチンとした比較をすることができないが、以下表にまとめて見た。, REIのチェアーはちょうど、ヘリノックスのチェアワンミニとチェアワンの中間に位置するサイズであることがわかる。値段については、やはりREIの方が安いことは一目瞭然である。REIでは、アメリカの祝日に合わせて年に数回バーゲンセールが開催され、REIブランド全品25%OFFや全商品20%OFFになるので、タイミングによっては、どちらにせよ定価より安く購入することができる。, REIのチェアーとヘリノックスのチェアーの構造は、似ている様で少し違う。ナイロン生地の角4箇所をアルミポールに被せて使用することは一緒であるが、フレームの脚の開き方に違いがある。REIのフレーム構造は、前後方向にX字、左右から見るとH字に見えるフレーム構造となっている。, ヘリノックスは、左右方向にX字が、前後から見るとH字に見えるフレーム構造となっている。この構造の違いだけでは、どちらの方が安定しているのかは分からない。, 今回、2つの違うデザインのチェアーを購入した。どちらも、大きさは”Flexlite Camp Chair”であるが、1つ目は、限定デザインである”Night Garden Porcini”2つ目は、定番柄の”Olive Green”アウトドア大国であるアメリカならではのオシャレな柄であり、存在感がある。, しっかりとした生地が使用されているため、生地に張りがあ座った時のフィット感が堪らなく気持ちが良い。フレームもしっかりしているため椅子に座った時に椅子毎後ろ側に倒れる心配をすることなく座ることができる。また、推奨はされていないと思うが、体重を後方に掛けて、後脚2本だけに体重をかけても、ポールは歪むことはなく安定している。椅子の高さも丁度良く、立ち上がったり座ったりを苦がなくすることができる。さらに、前傾姿勢で調理することもストレスなくできる。, キリン(夫)とウニ(妻)です。
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