Le jeune bassiste meurt sur le coup, à 24 ans. Now a full-time member Cliff contributed largely in the songwriting department of Metallica performing on its debut studio album, Kill ’em All, (which was going to be titled Metal Up Your Ass). Il perd le contrôle du véhicule : à son bord se trouvent les quatre membres du groupe ainsi que Flemming Larsen (le technicien de Lars), John Marshall, Aidan Mullen (assistants à la guitare) et le manager Bobby Schneider87. Cliff Burton dormait sur une des couchettes supérieures à l'arrière droite, quand le bus a dérapé. As fate would have it, Cliff drew the ace of spades and chooses Kirk Hammett’s bunk. The bus begins to skid out of control and rolls several times before coming to a halt.
“All the American tour buses have metal sides, this one had windows, which caused the death. Metallica was en route on a road between Stockholm and Copenhagen, to their next gig that was scheduled for September 27th. L'accident est dû à une plaque de verglas que le chauffeur - qui a été mis hors de cause - n'a pas pu éviter. These are the pale deaths which
However, after lifting the bus up, a cable snapped causing the bus to fall on Burton again. Cliff was ejected and pinned underneath. When travelling with the band in the tour bus it was always Cliff who commandeered the tape-deck, deciding what they would all be listening to as they ate up the miles that day. What he couldn’t have known was how cruelly death would play the game, snatching him away just as it seemed things were reaching their zenith in his life, both musically and personally. Lars Ulrich se casse un doigt, James Hetfield a quelques blessures superficielles et Kirk un œil au beurre noir. To witness any longer
Burton was killed in a bus accident in Sweden.
Music has always been part of my life, helped me through tough moments and was with me to celebrate the good ones. He loved music and life. Metallica have paid tribute to Ray Burton, the father of the band’s late bassist Cliff Burton, who has died at the age of 94. Cannot the kingdom of salvation
Après plusieurs concerts au Royaume-Uni, Metallica se rend en Scandinavie où il joue à l'Olympen de Lund et au Sonahallen de Stockholm, les 24, 25 et 26 septembre 1986.
One of the highlights of the album was the last track, “The Call Of Ktulu,” an instrumental that displayed Cliff’s “lead bass” approach. “Finding your friend crushed is not something anyone wants to see.” The first reaction was anger. It was an especially great night for the band. We went through what is called black ice (a layer of glassy ice on a surface), the vehicle slipped and Cliff was thrown, with the bus falling on him, “he said.
Aux alentours de 05h15 du matin, le conducteur fait un écart violent sur sa droite et commence à faire des embardées. Take me home, (Le début de cette phrase, « When a man lies he murders some part of the world », avait déjà été entendu chez le personnage de Merlin, dans le film Excalibur de John Boorman en 1981. Plus tard, James, Lars et Kirk songent à arrêter l'aventure. Cependant, pour les Four Horsemen, le chauffeur avait trop bu ce soir là. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Get This Day In Music straight into your inbox! After college I did a postgraduate degree in digital communication. The band scrambled out the bus to find Cliff motionless. “I walked around a bit and heard the staff, who was stuck in the hardware, screaming in pain, with broken bones,” he said. The emergency services arrived along with a crane to lift up the bus, the band hoped Cliff could be saved. Close to the 30th anniversary of the death of bassist Cliff Burton, who died on September 27, 1986, James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett recalled the moments of panic over the musician’s death. Apparently, he took some persuading, as he didn’t want to leave the Bay area.
Hetfield revealed the feeling of anguish after the accident. Vers la fin du morceau, James Hetfield murmure un poème que Cliff Burton avait récité lors d'une interview : When a man lies he murders
The band’s second studio album, Ride The Lightning, showcased the band’s increasing musical growth along with Burton’s own songwriting abilities – he received credit on six of the album’s eight songs. During the ceremony, the induction was accepted by his father Ray Burton, who shared the stage with the band and mentioned that Cliff's mother was actually Metallica's biggest fan. When i became a journalist i knew i wanted to write about my passions. Earlier that night the band drew cards for the assignment of the bunks on the tour bus. I am a brazilian journalist, a classic rock and heavy metal lover. Les paroles ne font en revanche aucunement référence à Cliff Burton89.
Today, if Cliff Burton would be alive, he could celebrate his 58th birthday. James Hetfield explained that he slept on the back of the bus where the band was because he had a sore throat. ), Oasis - Premières années et percée (1991-1995), Oasis - Le sommet de la célébrité : "l'Oasismania" (1995-1997), Fin du groupe et naissance de nouveaux projets, La consécration et les tournées mondiales, Les débuts et l'instabilité dans le groupe, Arrivée de Dickinson, The Number of the Beast et début du succès mondial, Projets personnels, départ d'Adrian et premier échec.
Mullen et Larsen, qui dormaient dans des couchettes en bas à droite, restent coincés pendant presque trois heures jusqu'à ce que les pompiers les délivrent. L'enterrement de Cliff a lieu le 7 octobre 1986 dans la chapelle de Castro Valley, sa ville natale. Mais les parents du bassiste, Jan et Ray, encouragent le groupe à continuer à la mémoire de leur fils. Your email address will not be published. Le jeune bassiste meurt sur le coup, à 24 ans. Cet incident a aussi inspiré Dave Mustaine, qui a composé l'air de la chanson In My Darkest Hour (sur l'album deMegadeth So Far, So Good… So What!) But no one, not even Cliff Burton, can cheat death. Close to the 30th anniversary of the death of bassist Cliff Burton, who died on September 27, 1986, James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett recalled the moments of panic over the musician’s death. Men miscall their lives
juste après avoir appris son décès.
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