Genre: Action, Puzzle Spieler: 2-4 The game also has several memorable boss-fights and there is no way to defeat those monsters other than with a buddy. Since it’s a co-op game throughout, all the missions in the game require you to co-ordinate with your friend to successfully complete it. If you've ever tried playing this with 3 other people, be prepared to wait 30+ minutes each time you return to town. Alles was ihr braucht ist ein zweiter – oder dritter und vierter – DualShock-Controller und natürlich das richtige Spiel. Kaum eine Serie ist so perfekt für Couch-Koop von Eltern mit ihren Kindern geeigent, wie die LEGO-Spiele. Couch-Koop: 12 geniale PS4-Spiele mit lokalem Multiplayer. PlayStation 5: Bestellungs-Update zum Veröffentlichungstag, Wir stellen vor: Die neue PlayStation App für PS4 und PS5 für ein völlig neues Gaming-Erlebnis, Details zur PlayStation Plus Collection Details + November-Spiele für PlayStation Plus. This PS4 couch co-op game is a top-down shooter filled with tons of aliens to kill with your friends. Zombies, die böse Umbrella-Corporation und eine mysteriöse Insel: In Resident Evil: Revelations 2 sollt ihr vier Episoden voller tödlicher Gefahren überstehen und dabei eine Reihe schrecklicher Geheimnisse aufdecken. The game is heavily dependent on cooperative gameplay as one player needs to maneuver the ship while the other has two fire weapons, or manage the shields. It is up to you and your partner to gather resources, build weapons, houses, and arm each other to survive in this strange world. These are cool. Face off in one-on-one duels, or use the tournament mode to see who among your chums is truly worthy of being eaten by a giant sky serpent. Aber auch wenn der Sieg die meisten Punkte bringt, seid ihr mit eurem Team nicht automatisch auch Gewinner des Rennens. @GoblinKing86 Buying multiple consoles for multiplayer is a big ask, especially for a non-portable system that also requires a screen. PS5 SSD: How Much Storage Space Does It Have? Freie Redakteurin. This couch co-op game for your PS4 has multiple playable characters each with their own unique playstyles, abilities, and customization options. Schreckhaft solltet ihr aber bei den typischen Resident Evil-Zombieattacken nicht sein. VICTOR VRAN is sorely missing from this list. And I think that lack of support isn't due to lack of demand, it's because local multiplayer is resource intense and harder to develop. Too many people are abusing this feature and hardly none of the people it's meant for are taking advantage of it. So if you open up Wheel of Fortune on your account, it's creating a save file for that account. Outward features an offline split-screen mode which lets you and one other player play the entire campaign together. Auf Facebook teilen (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Auf Twitter teilen (öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Schnappt euch einen zweiten DualShock-Controller und spielt mit Freunden und Familie gemeinsam vor dem Fernseher. This list is weak with only a few real gems on it compared to how many great multiplayer games are on PS4, and worse if you don't want competitive multiplayer games and are looking for just local co-op. © 2020 Fossbytes Media Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Handsome Collection features two games, Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequal, both of whom are completely playable in the split-screen co-op on your PS4. If you’re injured and need to rest, your partner will watch over you while you sleep.

In dem dritten Teil der Borderlands-Serie spielt ihr wieder einen intergalaktischen Kammerjäger, der sich mit allerlei Weltraum-Monstern und Bösewichtern auseinandersetzen muss. Genau das Richtige für: Freunde spannender Geschichten und kooperativem Rätselknacken. Every single game that has any type of co-op/multi component then becomes a couch co-op game. Even before Covid - I was not taking a train out to Brooklyn after work to play on my cousins couch with him. Guacameele doesn’t even make the top 20? It's funny as often it's easy to forget about some of the local multiplayer games there are on PS4. This is a unique title that's deserving of your attention during multiplayer gaming sessions. The best offline multiplayer games on PlayStation 4.

Hosted by 44 Bytes. With all the playable characters in the game representing real-life 1980’s action heroes, Broforce will keep you engaged in its fast-paced co-op gameplay. Unterwegs sammelt ihr Extras, wie zielsuchende Raketen, Laser, Blitze oder Blocker ein, mit denen ihr die Konkurrenz quält und versucht die Ziellinie als Erster zu überqueren.

Do you miss the 80’s? Between you and your mates, you need to clear each building as fast as you can, with each stage slowly introducing new hazards and obstacles. This PS4 couch co-op game is a puzzle-platformer at heart. Hellpoint is one of the only Souls-like 2 player games on PS4 and that alone should be the reason for you to play it. In dem Artikel 18 großartige PS4-Spiele mit lokalem Multiplayer für die Weihnachtstage haben wir euch bereits eine umfangreiche Liste starker Couch-Koop-Spiele vorgestellt. Ark Survival Evolved is definitely one of those games you don’t want to play alone. In einer bonbonbunten Comicwelt sollt ihr die teils ordentlich kniffligen Herausforderungen meistern und mit dem putzigen Rayman und seinen Freunden Globox und den Kleinlingen die Level der Spielwelt erkunden. Spieler: 2-4 If you’re a fan of couch co-op games, then this is a must-play for you. Not many people know that you can play this PS4 survival game in split-screen mode.

You can cast spells together, hunt alongside each other, and explore a vast open-world brimming with adventure. Spieler: 2-4 It deserves a higher rank in my opinion, because the replayability is endless and there are regular updates even now. Genre: Action-Rollenspiel This co-op PS4 game sets you to lose on an island filled with dinosaurs. You are charged with investigating the sudden appearance of alien creatures on a space ship orbiting a black hole. Divinity: Original Sin 2 im PlayStation Store kaufen. With a striking new art style, lots of new weapon types, and a much larger roster of levels to fight through, the sequel has plenty to keep you busy.

Senior Director, SIE Content Communications, Hideaki Nishino Below is a full list of the best PS4 local multiplayer games. From cutting vegetables to washing the dishes, to preparing the meals, within a time limit. After completing the game, you can play it again and find heroic statues or graves of your player, depending upon your choices made in your last playthrough. Oftmals habt ihr unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten eine Situation zu meistern, dann solltet ihr euch untereinander schon einig sein, wie es weiter gehen soll. It might not sound a whole lot of fun, but Moving Out offers up engaging, easy-going gameplay. The game’s use of cell-shaded graphics, seamless split-screen mode, and the grueling setting of the harsh alien planet Pandora makes this game a memorable experience in co-op mode.

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