printed in Canada by Journal. This is the very essence of these digital archives. Editor. 4 INco TRIANGLE Young visitor gets a thrill behind the controls of an L-H-D machine.
Instructions: How to search within a PDF September 1985. In March, young skiers, coaches. Peter vom Scheidt.
The Triangle, as it was commonly called, was a monthly publication produced by the International Nickel Company for its employees between the years of 1936 and 1998. in general. It is here that you will find the stories of the industry that built our community, and the stories of our people that built the industry. view any issue of the Triangle online in PDF format, search the archives for a specific person or issue by date/keyword. College and the City of Greater Sudbury to scan all of the estimated 600 issues of It is our hope that the INCO Triangle Digital Archives will strengthen Greater Sudbury by deepening its understanding of how the people of this community worked with industry to build our ever-growing and enduring city.
Who knows, perhaps an issue of the INCO Triangle even includes a picture, or makes mention of someone from your own family.
Each issue was filled with a multitude of photographs of employees and their families.
one of the longest running corporate. the fourth and final leg of the 1984. division of Inco Limited . THE FAMILY Al-bum's appointment with the Emile Par-ents ot Sudbury coin-cided with the silver wedding anniversary of Emile and his wife, Rita. Frank Pagnucco. and pensioners of the Ontario. Inco's involvement with the Inco Cup. 44, No. Produced. It is here that you will find the stories of the industry that built our community, and the stories of our people that built the industry. This. In 1936, the very first issue of the INCO Triangle was printed. Vol. Title: Inco Triangle Author: Greater Sudbury Public Library Subject: Inco Triangle Created Date: 11/16/2006 1:54:18 PM Starting with Inco at Garson in 1941, Emile trans-ferred last January to Copper Cliff North mine where he Is a motorman on 600. ski series started 11 years ago. Canadian skiing. Published monthly for employees.
The INCO Triangle Digital Archives is a celebration of Ontario’s nickel mining heritage which led to the creation and development of Sudbury and its surrounding communities. In keeping with the company's objective of building an attractive complex, the mill building uses steel cladding of contrasting colors.
This publication, of course, contains articles about mining over the years but also has many stories and photographs about community events, Inco employees, …
support of the Library Strategic Development Fund sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Culture INCO FAMILY ALBUM. dedicated commitment to the.
sponsorships in the history of. Printing Company in Sudbury.
and parents assembled in Sudbury for. The INCO Triangle Digital Archives Project was made possible through the financial
Title: Inco Triangle Author: Greater Sudbury Public Library Subject: Inco Triangle Created Date: 8/21/2006 12:53:09 PM You will find digital issues of the Inco Triangle, a publication created for Inco’s employees from 1936 to 1998.
Standing with their father are Denis, 16, and Ron, who works The end result is this website, which allows you to: Communities that honour their past take pride in building the future. along with Greater Sudbury Heritage Museums partnered with Vale, Cambrian G THE GREAT m ^arc^ia^oaf^6t. The INCO Triangle Digital Archives is a celebration of Ontario’s nickel mining heritage which led to the creation and development of Sudbury and its surrounding communities. Triangle. the INCO Triangle to the local community, the Greater Sudbury Public Library, the INCO Triangle and make them accessible to the public online. Publications. In response to overwhelming public interest and the recognition of the value of Shebandowan's single ball mill has a 131/2-foot diameter and 22-foot length, the largest in any Inco mill. in partnership with the Greater Sudbury Public Library and Heritage Museums, Vale and Cambrian College.
development of young skiers stands as. Results 1 - 20 of about 613 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Next. Writer. Strong people build strong communities. Readers will be addressing themselves to multiple choice questions dealing with Inco and the mining industry.
Over 125 years of community development, honour and pride lie at the very heart of this project. In recognition of this significant. 6 • • • Safety. 1986 marks the centennial of mining activity in the Sudbury area. In commemoration of the 125th anniversary of what is now called the City of Greater Sudbury, the INCO Triangle Digital Archives is a celebration of our community’s past helping to form the foundation of an even stronger community for a better future. The Triangle featured articles on different aspects of the operation and the people who worked on the equipment. milestone we are serving up to Triangle readers our new skill testing quiz, The Great Triangle Trivia Contest..
These stories were not about the power brokers of the industry, but were the stories of the men and women who laboured in the mines and sweated in the refineries day in and day out.
For those born and raised in the area, the Triangle was a household item and everyone read it, adults and children alike.
The Triangle honoured its retirees, showcased the sports and recreational activities of the community and included a family album section. by the public affairs department and.
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