En 1874, à l'occasion du millénaire de la colonisation de l'Islande, le roi accorde à l'Islande une constitution qui lui donne un statut d'autonomie, notamment en accordant un pouvoir législatif limité à l'Althing : c'est la fin de l'absolutisme danois en Islande[A 3]. Cet événement marque la fin de la lutte pour l'indépendance en Islande. In spite of this, a parish on Dauan Island in the Torres Strait chose to enter the ordinariate anyway and a former priest of the Church of Torres Strait was ordained as a transitional deacon in June 2018 by Bishop James Foley of Cairns. Monarques du royaume de Norvège (1262-1380), Monarques du royaume de Danemark (1380-1918), Monarques de l'Union de Kalmar (1380-1536), Monarques du Danemark-Norvège (1536-1814), Monarque des royaumes de Danemark et d'Islande (1918-1944), https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Liste_des_monarques_d%27Islande&oldid=173388624, Histoire de l'Islande sous domination étrangère, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l'article intitulé «. Can I get copies of items from the Library? After visiting Erub and Tudu, missionaries led by the Reverend Samuel McFarlane and the Reverend A W Murray travelled to Dauan on 6 July 1871. 1928 [picture] / Charles Maurice Yonge, Road across the island, Meer Island, Queensland, ca. C. M. (Charles Maurice) Yonge. Murray Island has been inhabited for around 2800 years, the first settlers being Papuo-Austronesians who brought agriculture and pot making with them. ; In: Album of views of the Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, 1928-1929.; Part of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 1928-1929 photographic collection.
Boigu and Saibai Islands make up the remainder of the group. To submit an update or takedown request for this paper, please submit an Update/Correction/Removal Cette échéance arrive à la fin de l'année 1943, alors que le Danemark est toujours occupé et se trouve donc dans l'impossibilité de renégocier le traité. 1928 [picture] / Charles Maurice Yonge 1928
Dauan Island is an island in the Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia; it is also known as Cornwallis Island. Album of views of the Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, 1928-1929. Request. Le Danemark et l'Islande entament des négociations en 1917 [C 2] qui aboutissent à la réunion d'une commission parlementaire dano-islandaise en juillet 1918 à Reykjavik afin de renégocier le statut de l'Islande. La loi fait de l'Islande un pays inséparable de la monarchie danoise, mais lui accorde des droits spéciaux[1]. Request. Two South Sea Islander lay pastors named Josaia and Sivene were appointed to work as missionary teachers at Dauan and Saibai. Morning swims Dauar Island Eastern Islands Torres Strait Eastern Lad. In the Torres Strait it runs close to the mainland of New Guinea, keeping the adjacent North Western Torres Strait Islands (Dauan, Boigu and Saibai) under Australian sovereignty. ; Inscriptions: "Wyer & Dauar from Mer"--In white ink beneath photograph.
Captain William Bligh, in charge of the British Navy ships Providence and Assistant, visited Torres Strait in 1792 and mapped the main reefs and channels.
Part of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 1928-1929 photographic collection. Les anciennes possessions norvégiennes d'outre-mer (Islande, Groenland et îles Féroé) restent quant à elles sous contrôle danois[B 1]. The Torres Strait Island Regional Council operate a public library at Poruma and Indigenous Knowledge Centres at Badu Island, Boigu Island, Dauan Island, Erub Island, Hammond Island, Iama Island, Kubin, Mabuiag, and Warraber. To learn more about Copies Direct watch this. From the 1870s to around 1910, the Boigu, Dauan and Saibai people, along with the neighbouring Papuan peoples, were being harassed by thugeral "warriors" from the Marind-anim. En 1814, le traité de Kiel sépare la Norvège du Danemark, lequel, après une courte période d'indépendance entre en union personnelle avec la Suède[B 1]. Selected new items on display in Main Reading Room, Yonge, C. M. (Charles Maurice), 1899-1986, National Library of Australia digitised item, See records in related collections (go sideways), Meer Island, Queensland, ca. Daniel Tapau 18,225 views. L'Althing décide alors d'agir unilatéralement, malgré l'opposition de certains intellectuels et personnalités politiques islandais, et le choc ressenti par certains Danois[B 4]. Loading... Unsubscribe from Eastern Lad? 63 Related Articles [filter] Great Dividing Range. The island's highest point is the 230-metre (750 ft) Gelam Paser, the western end of the volcano crater. Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nations people are advised that this catalogue contains names, recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive.
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