59 sentence examples: 1. Sentence with the word fireproofThe term fireproof buildings shall apply to all buildings in which the principal parts are made of incombustible materials, these principal parts consisting mainly in walls, floor construction, roof construction, furring, ceiling, stairs and all shaft enclosures. requiring fire protection easily and securely, and a fireproof glass with the fireproof film, and a method of imparting the fireproof function to the product requiring fire protection.例文帳に追加, 容易に且つ確実に被防火物(フロートガラスなど)に防火性能を付与することが可能な防火フィルム及びこの防火フィルムを貼り付けてなる防火ガラス並びに被防火物への防火性能付与方法を提供する。 - 特許庁, STRUCTURE AND METHOD FOR PROTECTING FOAMING FIREPROOF FILM例文帳に追加, Further in the fireproof protective laminated glass with the antireflection film, at least one piece among two or more pieces of plate glass is the fireproof protective plate glass 10.例文帳に追加, また、反射防止膜付き防火保護合わせガラスは、複数枚の板ガラスの少なくとも1枚が、防火保護板ガラス10である。 - 特許庁, FOAMING-TYPE FIREPROOF COATING COMPOSITION, COATING FILM THEREOF AND BASE MATERIAL COVERED WITH THE COATING FILM例文帳に追加, Niobium that is a fireproof metal material is deposited to form a fireproof niobium metal electrode, and then a niobium oxide film (Nb_2O_5) is formed on a fireproof metal electrode by applying oxygen plasma.例文帳に追加, 耐火性金属材料であるニオブを蒸着して耐火性のニオブ金属電極を形成し、次に、酸素プラズマを照射することによって耐火性金属電極上に、当該ニオブ酸化膜(Nb_2O_5)を形成する。 - 特許庁, To provide a fireproof coating applicable to a combustible material and exhibiting fireproof performance to the combustible material when applied to the combustible material; a fireproof coating film; and a method for repairing building materials.例文帳に追加, 可燃性材料に塗布することができ、かつ可燃性材料に塗布されたときに可燃性材料に対して防火性能を発揮することのできる防火塗料、防火塗膜および建材の修復方法を提供することである。 - 特許庁, To provide fireproof safety glass with which a fireproof window having a larger opening than before and a continuous external appearance can be formed and the explosive fracture caused by the insufficiency of outgassing of a resin film can be prevented in the case of fire; a method for manufacturing the same; a fireproof safety glass joined body; and a construction method for the fireproof window.例文帳に追加, 従来よりも大開口で連続的外観の防火窓を形成可能で、火災時に樹脂フィルムのガス抜け不全で爆裂しない防火安全ガラス、その製造方法、防火安全ガラス接合体及び防火窓の施工方法を提供する。 - 特許庁, To provide a fireproof protective plate glass with an antireflection film and a fireproof protective laminated glass with the antireflection film which produce no distortion in a transmitting image, and to provide a specific fire prevention apparatus using one of them.例文帳に追加, 透過する画像にゆがみが生じない反射防止膜付き防火保護板ガラス、反射防止膜付き防火保護合わせガラス、及びこれらの何れかを用いた特定防火設備を提供する。 - 特許庁, This fireproof film 1 is laminated on the surface of the product requiring fire protection to impart the fireproof function to the product, and can be obtained by integrally laminating an expandable heat insulating layer 3 on a resin-based film 2.例文帳に追加, 被防火物の表面に貼り付けてこの被防火物に防火性能を付与するための防火フィルム1であって、樹脂系フィルム2に発泡性断熱層3を一体に積層して構成する。 - 特許庁, To provide a foamable fireproof coating which can once or more reduced times be coated on a substrate in a targeted coating film thickness, simply gives a prescribed fireproof performance, little contains volatile components, and can easily control the thickness of the coating film.例文帳に追加, 本発明は、被塗物に対し、1回または少ない回数で目的とする塗膜厚に塗付でき、所定の耐火性能を簡便に得られるとともに、揮発成分が少なく、膜厚管理が容易である発泡性耐火塗料を提供する。 - 特許庁, A glass fiber fireproof layer and a metal film fireproof layer are provided on the outer surface of the epoxy vibration-damping material 2 provided on the outer or inner surface of the structure or equipment of the ship.例文帳に追加, 船舶の構造又は設備の外面又は内面に施されたエポキシ系制振材2の外面に、ガラス繊維防火層と金属皮膜防火層とを設けた。 - 特許庁, To provide a simple and efficient method in a method for applying an intumescent fireproof coating and in the control of a film thickness when a finished surface which has necessary fireproof performance and is flat to a certain extent is obtained on a steel material with a complex shape such as a steel frame.例文帳に追加, 鉄骨などの複雑な形状の鋼材に、必要な耐火性能を有し、ある程度の平坦な仕上げ面を得るときに、発泡耐火塗料の塗装方法及び膜厚管理において、容易で効率的な方法を提供する - 特許庁, The low-temperature foaming fireproof coating material is one forming a fireproof coating film at a relatively low temperature and contains at least thermally expansible resin particles, thermally expansible graphite particles, and an inorganic filler, wherein a dried coating film of the foaming fireproof coating material contains 1-10 mass% above thermally expansible resin particles and 5-25 mass% above thermally expansible graphite particles.例文帳に追加, 比較的低温で防火塗膜を形成することが可能な発泡性防火塗料であって、少なくとも熱膨張性樹脂粒子、熱膨張性黒鉛粒子および無機充填剤を含むと共に、前記発泡性防火塗料の乾燥塗膜中には、前記熱膨張性樹脂粒子が1〜10質量%、前記熱膨張性黒鉛粒子が5〜25質量%含有された低温発泡性防火塗料とすることによって、解決される。 - 特許庁, To provide a foamable fireproof coating reducing occurrence of cracks and pin holes in a dried coating film even when application thickness of the coating is large.例文帳に追加, 厚塗りした場合でも乾燥塗膜のクラックやピンホールの発生が抑制された発泡性耐火塗料を提供する。 - 特許庁, A fireproof, heat-insulating material having a fire-resistant property and a heat-insulating property is obtained by applying the coating film-forming agent onto the surface of a rigid plastic foam.例文帳に追加, 上記の塗膜形成剤を硬質プラスチックフォーム表面に塗布してなる防火性および断熱性を備えた防火断熱材。 - 特許庁, To provide a method for fireproof-coating of a steel material surface, excellent in rust prevention and close adhesion with the steel material surface (a metal surface), securing an excellent anti-rust property even against existing generated rust or an already presenting coated film, excellent in close adhesion with the generated rust or the already presenting coated film and exhibiting excellent fireproof property.例文帳に追加, 本発明は、防錆性、鋼材表面(金属面)との密着性に優れ、発生錆や既存塗膜が存在していても優れた防錆性を確保し、発生錆や既存塗膜との密着性にも優れ、かつ優れた耐火性能を示す鋼材表面の耐火被覆方法を提供する。 - 特許庁, This fireproof article is constituted by forming a transparent conductive film 2 of ≤10 Ω/square in surface electric resistance on the surface of a fireproof gaseous sheet 1 and is characterized in that its transmittance at a wavelength 2,500 nm is ≤10% and its average visible light transmittance is ≥20%.例文帳に追加, 防火ガラス板1の表面に、表面電気抵抗が10Ω/□以下の透明導電膜2が形成されてなり、波長2500nmにおける透過率が10%以下、可視光平均透過率が60%以上であることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁, A coating film (4) containing an alkylsiloxane, aromatic siloxane, and inorganic insulating filler is formed on the surface of the varistor provided with a sintered body (1), an electrode part (2), and lead wires (3), and baked to obtain a fireproof coating film.例文帳に追加, 焼結体(1),電極部(2),リード線(3)を備えたバリスタ表面にアルキルシロキサンと芳香族シロキサンとおよび無機絶縁フィラーを含む被膜(4)を形成し、焼き付けて不燃化被膜とする。 - 特許庁, Because the liquid film of the peripheral face of the grease filter 23 can certainly prevent transmission of flame without independently providing a fireproof damper, the structure can be simplified.例文帳に追加, 防火ダンパを別個に設けることなく火炎の伝送をグリスフィルタ23の外周面の液膜にて確実に防止できるため、構成を簡単にできる。 - 特許庁, A fireproof, heat-insulating structure, especially an incombustible, heat-insulating structure for a car body is obtained by laminating the coating film-forming agent on the rigid plastic foam and further laminating this on a substrate, especially a substrate in the interior of a railway vehicle.例文帳に追加, 基材上、特に鉄道車両の内部基材上に、硬質プラスチックフォーム、さらにその上に上記の塗膜形成剤が積層されてなる防火断熱構造、特に車体の不燃断熱構造。 - 特許庁, The fireproof glass 1 is constituted of a glass panel main body 2 and a resin film 3 having heat resistance and see-through is integrally applied to the surface of the glass panel main body 2.例文帳に追加, ガラス板本体2で構成してある防火ガラス1であって、前記ガラス板本体2の板面に、耐熱性及び透視性を有する樹脂膜3を一体に被覆させてあるところにある防火ガラス。 - 特許庁, This cloth for the fireproof screen, in which a polymeric film is laminated on at least one surface of an inorganic fiber cloth via an adhesive, is characterized in that the polymeric film is a polyethylene terephthalate resin film which does not contain a halogen.例文帳に追加, 無機質繊維クロスの少なくとも一方の表面に接着剤を介して高分子フィルムを積層した耐火スクリーン用クロスにおいて、前記高分子フィルムは、ハロゲンを含有しないポリエチレンテレフタレート樹脂フィルムであることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁, The glass fiber fire proof layer and the metal film fireproof layer are constituted by a method wherein glass cloth 3 of high-silica fibers or the like, a metal film 4 of an aluminum foil or the like and a heat-resistant glass felt 5 formed in the shape of a mat out of high silicic acid glass fibers or the like as a raw material are laid on each other properly.例文帳に追加, ガラス繊維防火層と金属皮膜防火層は、高シリカ繊維等のガラスクロス3、アルミニウム箔等の金属皮膜4、高けい酸ガラス繊維等を原料としてマット状に成形された耐熱ガラスフェルト5をそれぞれ適宜重ね合わせて構成されている。 - 特許庁, To provide a cloth for fireproof screens which has an improved fire retardancy and wear resistance, prevents irregular stitches and breaking due to cracking of the resin film and reduces the amount of gas emitted on burning by minimizing the amount of organic materials used.例文帳に追加, 耐火スクリーン用クロスの難燃性を向上し、クロスの目ずれを防止し、耐摩耗性を向上するとともに、可能な限り使用する有機物量を抑えて燃焼時の発ガス量を低減することに加え、樹脂被膜の亀裂によるクロス破断を防止した耐火スクリーン用クロスを提供する。 - 特許庁, The fireproof sheet 12 is formed of a non-woven fabric with the paint applied thereto, and comprises a coating film layer by the paint, an impregnated layer of the paint, and a non-impregnated layer of the paint, and the non-impregnated layer side is preferably and integrally adhered to an outer surface of the tank body.例文帳に追加, 前記耐火シート12が、不織布に前記塗料を塗布してなり、前記塗料による塗膜層と、前記塗料の含浸層と、前記塗料の非含浸層とを備え、該非含浸層側が前記タンク本体の外表面に接着一体化されたものが好ましい。 - 特許庁, The heat-shielding fireproof glass article comprises a transparent heat resistant crystallized glass having Young's modulus of 80 Gpa ≥ and forms on the surface of the glass an infrared-reflecting film 3 having reflectance of ≥70% at 2,500 nm wavelength and visible light average transmissiveness of 70% ≥.例文帳に追加, ヤング率が80GPa以上である透明耐熱結晶化ガラスからなり、そのガラス板の表面に、波長2500nmにおける反射率が70%以上であり、且つ可視光平均透過率が70%以上である熱線反射膜が形成してなることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁, The fireproof safety glass 10 has a laminated glass part 10a, formed by bonding glass sheets 11,12 through a resin film 13 and a protruding part 11c where one side of the glass sheet 11 protrudes by 10 to 600 mm from the laminated glass part 10a.例文帳に追加, 本発明の防火安全ガラス10は、板ガラス11、12が樹脂フィルム13を介して接着した合わせガラス部10aと、合わせガラス部10aから板ガラス11の1辺が10〜600mm突出する突出部11cとを有する。 - 特許庁. All Rights Reserved. At one time Portland cement concrete was considered to be lacking in fireproof qualities, but now it is regarded as one of the best fire-resisting materials known. In the movie the word fireproof is used a couple of times from one firefighter to another specifically talking about marriage. With an existing thatched roof it can be difficult, if not impossible, to retrospectively fully fireproof the thatch. Keep your policies and important papers in a fireproof lock box or safe to protect them and so you'll have them on hand when needed. Before there was an official soundtrack, there was an official iTunes Fireproof mix that you could download in lieu of a soundtrack. Accessed 10 Nov. 2020. 17 Those tapes are then kept in a locked, 19 Constructing materials must be antiflaming and, 20 Accordingly, after using,(www.Sentencedict.com), 21 Because raw cotton is an inflammable material, mills had to be made, 22 Spread this mixture on to the whole mushrooms and arrange them on a baking sheet or in a, 23 The girl who used to cry at criticism was now, 24 Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads, but they have found thousands of uses for this, 25 This building, made entirely of steel and concrete, is, 26 The furnace is also provided with an inner chamber made of a, 27 The polyacrylic fiber resists the stresses of cement shrinking in different directions to raise the strength of solidified waterproof mortar and raise the, 28 It is compounded from two or more layers of glass chips and attach with single or multi layer water-solubility inorganic sandwich, 30 Sand Island The heat is incredible. Fireproof sentence examples fireproof The steel reinforcement is of immense importance in fireproof work, because, if properly designed, it enables the concrete to hold together and do its work even when it has been cracked by fire and water. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'fireproof.'

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